Christmas Carnivals » Free christmas card quotes

Free Christmas card quotes

Attractive Christmas card quotes and messages make your Yule greetings warmer and more special. Write a personal message along with a nice traditional quote that inspires the spirit of Yule to make that extra special person’s Christmas special.

Before the early 1800’s people generally wished each other and exchanged hand crafted Christmas greetings and cards. It was much later that commercialized greetings came into fashion. In fact the first greeting cards were printed in London. The very first Christmas card quote printed on a commercially printed card was “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.”

Pick up your sketching material, color boxes and crayons and make lovely little greeting cards for your friends and family. Use calligraphy to write attractive Christmas card quotes and make endearing special personalized addresses. Some popular and usable quotes for Yule greetings and greeting cards:

"Christmas is not a time or a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous with mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas."
by Clavin Coolidge

"At Christmas, play and make good cheer, for Christmas comes but once a year."
by Thomas Tusser.

"Good news from heaven the angels bring, Glad tidings to the earth they sing: To us this day a child is given, to crown us with the joy of heaven."
by Martin Luther

"God could not be everywhere, therefore, he created mothers."
Hebrew Proverb

"Making a decision to have a child-it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."
Elizabeth Stone

"Christmas is a time when everybody wants his past forgotten and his present remembered."
Phyllis Diller

"Santa is very jolly because he knows where all the bad girls live."
- Dennis Miller

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