This is a 2002 TV movie directed by Andy Wolk. The teleplay is written by Dona van Liere based on the novel by Wesley Bishop. Two separate stories mix. A young music teacher, Maggie Andrews, is dying of a heart condition and her son Nathan tries to get a pair of Christmas shoes for her before she dies.
In the second story, lawyer Robert Layton and his wife Kate are drifting apart and things come to a head during Christmas when Kate takes over for Maggie for the school choir and declines a job in Robert's firm. When Robert's mother expires, he starts reconsidering things and his and Nathan's paths cross on Christmas Eve as Nathan tries to raise the money for the shoes and Robert tries to get his daughter a present.
Many of us, like Rob Lowe, fail to realize what is important. God and family should always be our first priority, which is greater than any possession. This movie shows how any of us can be on the wrong path and how experience and a loving God can guide us back to what's important. Great acting and great casting makes a movie worth watching every Christmas.
The cast comprises Robert Layton, Kimberley Williams, Max Morrow, Maria del Mar, Hughes Thompson etc. The book was based on the lyric written by Eddie Carswell for the song The Christmas Shoes , a chart-topper by the group New Song.
Christmas Carnivals The Christmas Shoes Movie has all the information.