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History of Memorial Day

Sacred and Solemn, Memorial Day Celebrations in the United States is much more than simply an annual event! Wonder how many of you know what the holiday is about?

Let’s take a look back in history. The origin of this special day has very humble beginnings. Groups of people just got together to pay homage to those who died for the country during the American Civil War. There were stray events in areas near the Mason-Dixon line. People just wanted to remember war veterans from both sides, and in fact none of the commemoration events were related!

The newly freed slaves also came together in groups to organise burials for Union war veterans as a mark of respect for what they did; and to observe the sanctity of the newly gained free status. The organised mass burials were done on an abandoned horse racing track.

During the period a group of Southern women came together and organised a mass movement. They gathered wild flowers and decorated graves of the fallen war veterans; The act was universally appreciated then.

Though initially the event originated as a way of remembering Civil War veterans, it was later extended as an ‘Observance day for all U.S. war martyrs’. There’s a reason why the holiday is commonly referred to as the Memorial Day Weekend – simply because the annual event is always celebrated on the final Monday of May!

Officially the federal authorities declared May 26 as The U.S. Memorial Day. Prior to the official proclamation the event was known as ‘Decoration Day’.

Last Updated :- 5th May, 2014
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