Something unusual amuses all of us. What if that something unusual happens on the eve of Christmas? Forget about Christmas gag gifts. Even gag gifts have become common unusual phenomena. This time look carefully at your well-decorated Christmas tree.
Don't you find it the other way? Of course you would, if you are thinking of an upside down Christmas tree. Now days it has become the latest trend to have an upside down Christmas tree in some countries.
Though Upside down Christmas trees are the hottest vogues of the Christmas season, their origin stems from the Middle Ages. In those days Europeans used to hang fir trees upside down in order to represent trinity. Now, it's just opposite of their belief. Now, Christmas trees are sheared to give the shape with the tip pointing towards heaven. So, many people believe that an upside down Christmas tree is disrespectful towards Christ and Christianity.
However, an upside down Christmas tree has got many benefits. Sounds a pretty weird idea to have an upside down Christmas tree but it might be useful in small spaces. They leave more floor space and allow more decoration of the tree. Ornaments stand out and are safer.
It's up to you and your beliefs to decide whether you want the same Christmas tree or an upside down one this Christmas season.