Christmas Angel Story – an Introduction
Angels are significant and integral part of Christmas legends. Angels are usually believed to be the messengers of a supreme divine. In Christmas legends, we can find the existence of few angels. The Christmas angel story tells about those angels and is quite popular among the children. In Christmas angel story, the angles are portrayed as the messengers of God who played a significant role in the birth of Jesus Christ. Heavenly creatures with a pair of wings and a halo, the angles are leading characters in the Christmas angel story. These stories on Christmas angel are what that take the children to the world of dream and imagination.
The Root
According to the New Testament, the angels of the Christmas stories can be categorized into 9 ranks. Seraphim and Cherubim hold the top ranks. The head of the angels was believed to be Saint Michael, and archangel. If legends are to be believed, every human being has his/her own guardian angel which constantly works to protect them.
As the Legends Say
According to the popular story, Joseph was told by the angels to marry Virgin Mary. Angel Gabriel, acted as the messenger of the God, took the good news to Virgin Mary about her being chosen as Jesus Christ’s mother. The angels also spread the news of Jesus Christ’s birth.
Knowing about the birth of Jesus Christ, angels started singing serenade for the newborn baby. The angels were asked to fly closer to the earth and sing melodious song. As per the Christmas angel story, a Christmas angel spread the birth news of the God’s Son. Later on, the angels found significant positions in the stories and legends associated with Christmas.
Christmas angel stories are quite popular among the children. As Christmas come closer and closer and the Christmas angels fill the air with festivity, Christmas angle stories bring wings of imagination to the minds of the children. When children are told these bedtime stories, they depict the goodness of angels as well as their divine relation with the human beings.