Christmas is the most popular festival globally. Christmas is an occasion that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. The origin and the history of Christmas have pagan roots.
It is said that the origin of Christmas began 2000 years ago when the birth of Christ took place. History mentions that Jesus was born to Joseph and Mary in a manger and it is said that a star guided the three Magi who traveled from the East to Jerusalem to shower gifts on baby Jesus.
It is believed that Jesus was the Son of God and he came to the world to spread the message of God. The New Testament is unable to provide any information regarding the date or year related to the birth of Jesus Christ. St. Mark, which is an ancient gospel written at the time of Christian era commences with the baptism of an adult Jesus Christ. Although the real date of Christ’s birth is not known, 25th December is considered by all to be the day when Christ was born. However many people are of the thought that the customs and traditions affiliated with the festival of Christmas pre-date the birth of Christ. As a result of this the origin and history of Christmas got filled with controversy
The day of Christ’s birth is conceived by the Christians to be the most sacred day of the year. It is only the New Testament, which gives an account of the story of the birth of Christ. In 336 AD Emperor Constantine converted this pagan tradition to the ‘Christian’ holiday of Christmas.
With the spread of Christianity, the Festival of Christmas also got spread over the world, and now it is celebrated with great pomp and vigour. Enjoy the origin and history of Christmas with Christmas Carnivals.